Present Tense

Present tense is simple form which used to express situation going into effect.
*Present tense adalah bentuk (kalimat) sederhana yang digunakan untuk situasi yang berlaku (sekarang) *
Simple present tense is used for : *dibawah ini adalah kegunaan present tense *
*  Express habit, general truths, repeated actions or unchanging situation, emotions and whised.
*  Give instruction or direction.
*  To express arrangement.
*Dalam menggunakan Present tense kita juga harus menggunakan rumus*
PATTERNS (Using verbs) *RUMUS menggunakan verbs*
PATTERNS (using be) *RUMUS menggunakan TO BE*
(+)          SUBJECT + TO BE (IS, AM, ARE) + COMPLEMENT.
(-)           SUBJECT + TO BE (IS, AM, ARE) + NOT + COMPLEMENT.
(?)          TO BE (IS, AM, ARE) + SUBJECT + COMPLEMENT.
Jadi, present tense adalah kaliamat yang digunakan untuk menyatakan waktu sekarang...
sekian dari saya gan...
kritik dan sarannya ditunggu...

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Advertisement is information for persuading and motivating people so that they will attract to the service and the thing that are offered or informed.
*Jadi Advertisement adalah suatu informasi yang sifatnya membujuk atau merayu bakal korbannya (Pelanggan) dan biasanya dengan kata-kata yang manis *
Function of AVERDTISEMENT are : *Fungsinya ada 3 gan*
«  Promotion.
«  Communication. 
«  Information.*
Kinds of ADVERDTISEMENT are : *Dan jenisnya pun beragam*
«  Family advertisement.
«  News advertisement.
«  Requested advertisement.
«  Etc.
Media of advertisement are : *media yang biasanya dipakai*
«  Television. *teve*
«  Newspaper. *Koran*
«  Pamphlet.*Pamplet*
«  Brochure.*Brosur*

Example: *just a joke*

«  Etc.

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yuppp... sekarang kita masuk kemateri announcements, sebelum mempelajarinya mari kita ulas balik.  Announcement is something said, written, or printed to make known what has happened or (more often) 

what will happen.
*Menurut terjemahan mbah google announcement adalah  sesuatu kata, tertulis, atau dicetak untuk memberi tahu apa yang telah terjadi atau (yang lebih sering) apa yang akan terjadi. *
* In Writing an announcement keep following this point :*Poin-poin penting dalam menulis announcement/pengumuman *
1. The title / type of event.**
2. Date / time, place.**
3. Contact person. **
* We can find the announcement on : *Biasanya kita temukan ditempat-tempat berikut gan*
1. Television.
2. Radio.
3. Newspaper.                                                           
4. Billboard.
5. Megazine.
6. etc.
* An announcement usually starts with an expression yo get peoples attention, such as " Attention, please ". It 
usually ended with an expression of thanking. *dan biasanya lagi announcement dimulai dengan kata "Attention , please"*
Nah, jadi dalam membuat Announcement/pengumuman tidak terlalu susahkan. karena sudah mengetahui apa itu Annountcement/pengumuman, cobalah kalian perhatikan sekitar. Berapa banyakkah pengumuman yang anda dapat??

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Giving Instruction

Giving instruction is an expression that is used in order that other person does what we instruct or request.
*giving instruction adalah suatu cara untuk menyuruh atau menginstruksikan seseorang*
*Hendaklah kita memberi perintah yang positive saja dan yang diperintah janganlah mau melakukan perintah yang tidak baik*
When the commanding word is a verb you use the infinitive without to.

Examples :
Ø  Write the sentences!
Ø  Take the medicine three times a day!
Ø  Cover the food!
Ø  Wash the bas sheet!
Ø  Sweep the floor.
                       Example:*yang memberi perintah adalah saya sendiri gan, hehehe*
If you do not use a verb as a commanding word, you use  
be adjective.
Examples :
Ø  Be Slow. *santai aja lahhh!*
Ø  Be happy. *asyikin ajee*
Ø  Be yourself. *jadi diri sendiri donk!*
When you forbid some one to do something you use  
don’t + verb infinitive without to.
Examples :
Ø  Don’t Cry!
Ø  Don’t close the door!
Ø  Don’t spit here!
Note++ *tambahan*
Ø  The sentences used in giving instruction is “SIMPLE PRESENT
Ø  Giving instruction is relevance with procedure text. *selalu dipakai di teks prosedur*

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Sympathy Expression

Sympathy expression or feeling of pity and sorrow, when we know someone or people are unlucky or have trouble and in bad condition. We express it directly to him/her orally *dengan kata-kata* or we can use a letter or card by post also by short message service (SMS) *pakai surat/SMS*

*Sympathy Expression adalah rasa kasihan atau duka cita terhadap seseorang yang mengalami suatu kesulitan atau suatu hal yang buruk. Kita semua pasti tidak pernah mengaharapkan suatu cobaan, jadi bila ada kerabat kita mengalami suatu kesulitan atau suatu hal yang buruk alangkah baiknya kita menyampaikan rasa duka kita karena hal itu dapat membuat mereka merasa lebih baik *

Example :
•    Ow, how awful!
•    How pity you are!
•    Oh, dear.
•    I know how it feels.
•    Oh, no!

saran dari saya, gunakanlah Sympathy Expression ini dengan baik supaya seseorang yang mengalami suatu kesulitan atau mengalami suatu hal yang buruk merasa lebih baik.. 

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Gaining attention

Nahh... kita sekarang masuk ke materi yang baru, yaitu Gainining attention. 

Gaining attention is a way or expression that is spoken so that other people will pay their attention to what we want to.
*Gaining attention adalah cara supaya kita mendapat perhatian dari seseorang, bagi yang saat ini sedang PDKT ini adalah saatnya belajar, hehehe*
The example expression of gaining attention. *penting juga nih buat kamu, hehehe*
Example: *sebenarnya sih contohnya sangat banyak, tapi saya ambil yang sering digunakan aja*
        *Attention, please! *cara ini yang saya rasa paling ampuh*
        *Listen to me, please! *saya rasa ini hanya digunakan untuk percakapan dua mata saja*
        *Excuse me, look at me! *dan yang satu ini dengan cara yang sopan gan*

The Responds. *kalo nggak ngerespon telinganya pasti nggak BERES ato emang budeg kali yaa, ckckck*
*Ok, ok!
*Oh yeah!                                                                    
Setelah mempelajarinya marilah kita praktekan kepada orang disekitar kita dan jangan lupa gunakanlah bahasa inggris biar gak kalah ma yang lain, okey ..??

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happiness expression

Happiness expression is an expression that is used to show that someone or people are glad or have excited feeling.
*Ekspresi inilah yang keluar kalau kita lagi senang atau mendengar berita bagus *
What would you say to express your happiness??? * mudah dan pastinya kita semua sangat kreatif dalam berekpresi dengan berbagai cara tapi dengan batas-batas tertentu  *
*Lihat di  bawah / example*

Example :
·         I’m really happy.
·         I’m happy to hear that.
·         (Oh!) How marvelous.
·         Great! / Fantastic!

*yaaa, masih banyak lagi contoh lainnya, yang di atas hanya contoh kecil saja*
nah, jadi setelah kita mempelajari happiness expression kita lebih tahu tentang berbagai macam eksprei yang biasa digunakan orang bule dalam berekpresi

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Greeting is an act of communication  in which human beings (as well as other members of the animal kingdom) intentionally  make their presence known to each other, to show attention to, and to suggest a type of relationship or social status between individuals or groups of people coming in contact with each other. While greeting customs  are highly culture- and situation-specific and may change within a culture depending on social status and relationship, they exist in all known human cultures. Greetings can be expressed both audibly and physically, and often involve a combination of the two. This topic excludes military and ceremonial salutes but includes rituals other than gestures.

dan singkatnya yaa menyapa seseorang....
Greetings can in the form of :
-, Written
-, Voice mail
-, Card                                                           

Example of greetings :
-, Greetings.
1. Good morning, good day, good afternoon, good evening
*biasanya di pakai ketika bertemu seseorang*

-, Introducing.
1. Let me introduce my self, ...
2. Hi, my name is (your name).
*kalau FORMAL, harus diawali dengan EXCUSE ME.*

Example: *Contoh gan*

-, Leave taking.
1. Good night
2. See you tomorrow.
3. See you later.

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Appointment is to tell or someone that you will difinitely do someting.
*Membuat JANJI*

Example :

* Making of appointment
*Membuat JANJI*
1. Will you go out with me tonight? *ngajak pacar malam mingguan*

2. I’d like you to come and see.
3.Can I come and see you.

* Accepting an appointment  *Menerima JANJI*
1. OK, i'll be there.                                                                          
2. All right, see you.
3. Yes, no problem.

* Declining an appointment *Menolak JANJI*
1. Sorry, i cant ...
2. I'm sorry, i have another appointment.
3. i'd love to but i cant.

There is also a chance to that you need to cancel an appointment with someone, because something unexpected or because of something else you have to instead.
*kita juga bisa membatalkan sebuah JANJI*

Example :
* Canceling an appointment *Membatalkan JANJI*
1. I'm terribily sorry, i have to cancel our appointment, bacause ... *Cari alasan yang masuk akal  *
2. I'm sorry, i have to put off our appointment.
3. I'm afraid, i have to postpone my appointment with you.

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Invitation is a way to invite someone or more to go to a place or to do 

  There are two types of invitation
  FORMAL INVITATION *yang formal*
Formal invitation is usually originate from Institutes, Companies and a kind of it. Normally formal 
invitation is written invitation.
  INFORMAL INVITATION *yang gk formal*
Informal invitation is personal invitation given to a friend, family, etc. Informal invitation can be 
written invitation and verbal invitation. 
Invitation is a way to invite someone or more to go to a place or to do something. 
  Extending (mengundang)
  for example:
• I would like to invite you to come to my hotel
• Would you like to come to my home?
• How would you like to go  Bali with us next month?  
*keterangan tempat dan waktu bisa diubah sesuai keadaan
Accepting (menerima)  
• I’d love to  
• I like that
• That sounds great
*Ini aja dulu* 
Declining (menolak) / refusing
• I’d love to, but I can’t
• I’m really sorry because I can’t come 
Example : *contohnya gan..*

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